Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Outsiders Movie vs. Book - 1692 Words

Fantasy Project â€Å"Enchanted† In El Dorado California, once called Mud Springs, lived two twin sisters Elisa and Elizabeth. These 11 year olds lived with their grandmother Myra whom took care of them since they were 4 years of age after their parents passed away in a tragic car accident. They lived humbly in a small log cabin. Elisa and Elizabeth’s favorite pass time was to play in the forest; they loved acting and playing as magicians attempting to do magic tricks. One early evening right before dusk, they were playing in the forest dressed as magicians with their black gowns and top hats using tree branches for magic wands, and as they waved their wands they saw a very strange shadow. This shadow was also surrounded by very†¦show more content†¦Elizabeth said to Elisa â€Å"if we were able to start the fire in the fireplace, don’t you think we can put it out too?† They looked at each other and the same thoughts crossed their minds. Elisa and Liz held hands tight, stood in front of the fireplace and Elizabeth waved her hands side to side, both chanted Alakazam Shazam! Alakazam Shazam! Alakazam Shazam! and suddenly a very cold breeze started whirling around them and into the fireplace! The fire was shut out and the fire place began to freeze! That same night Elisa and Elizabeth were talking trying to fall asleep. Elisa asks Elizabeth â€Å"what do you think would happen if we united our powers?† â€Å"Let’s unite our magic powers† said Elisa. Elizabeth thought this was a crazy idea, she said â€Å"don’t you think something bad could happen if we do that?† Elizabeth said â€Å"Elisa, please let’s go to sleep, it’s been a long strange day and night, I’m exhausted.† The following afternoon, Elisa finally convinced Elizabeth to go play in the forest. Elisa had an idea to trick Elizabeth into uniting their magic powers. Elisa said to Elizabeth â€Å"come, let’s wear our magic’s costumes and let’s try to say our magic words and pull a rabbit out of our hats.† As they prepared their magic trick both girls held hands strong and began to turn in circles chanting their magic words â€Å"Alakazam shazam! Alakazam Shazam! Alakazam Shazam! The girls started spinning together, suddenly it becameShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Between The Outsiders Book And Movie1167 Words   |  5 Pagesin The Outsiders and some haven’t throughout both the book and the movie. So many themes have also connected the book and the movie as well. In the novel, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, has many similarities, differences, and recurring themes that connects to the movie as well. In The Outsiders, there are many similarities and differences between the movie and the book. The main and biggest difference between the two is Ponyboy still narrates the storyline in his point of view. 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